[Advaita-l] States of waking, dream and deep sleep

R Krishnamoorthy srirudra at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 04:26:43 EDT 2018

The states of wakefulness and sleep are inherent in the living organism as
biological functions.They do not come from external things.[sleep can be
induced by sleeping tablets etc are just inducements of the particular part
of the brain]. What we discuss is while in the waking state we observe what
is happening outside.When in sleeping mode we are not observing what is
happening outside.Again sleeping state is divided into dream state and deep
sleep state .Dream state is semi awareness -in this state one may be aware
of dream sequence so as to recollect the dream when getting up from sleep
but while dreaming this will not be known as a dream.In deep sleep there is
no dream and this state will be not known .It will be known only after
waking up fully.These are given to explain the philosophy that the external
world is just a projection of the mind just as while dreaming dreamer
supplies ever thing inside his dream.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 9:31 PM, Sujal Upadhyay via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste,
> These kind of questions cannot be properly explained, nor quotes from
> shAstra-s is going to give you satisfaction if there is an inner urge to
> experience it, but you still do not know what exactly is 'it'.
> Some doubts are naturally and spontaneously clarified when you will
> experience detachment others only after having first glimpse of samAdhi.
> When you will see yourself different from the body, just like you have put
> a camera on your top, but  little back side and you see your self, first
> question you will ask, 'I' am meditating, but then who is the one seeing me
> as meditating. Then the state itself will clarify that 'I' am seeing. Then
> who is the one who is meditating, you will see it as a lifeless, robotic
> body. Even though it may be breathing, you do not feel any life in it.
> Everything seems mechanical and then you realise a sloka, 'yantrAruDhAni
> mAyayA' - everything is mechanical. When you experience that your own body
> is operating mechanically and you are 'clearly different' than this body,
> that day will be the best day of your life.
> Unless and until you experience detachment, you never know that your were
> attached. Only after this experience, many ghuDha sloka-s will make sense.
> Similar is the case with all the 3 states - waking, dream and deep sleep.
> When you experience detachment, that state itself will answer your question
> - from where does the state of waking is experienced.
> Similar understanding happens in dream after waking up. Later on, time
> period of dream reduces as one progress spiritual and have less thoughts
> and desires.
> Deep sleep is difficult to explain. Only after you wake up, you can
> conclude deep state, as unlike dreams, there is no memory, or dreams or
> emotions and thoughts involved in deep sleep.
> Only when you get first glimpse of samAdhi, and then come out of it, you
> will realise deep peace and deep bliss, and freshness which is much greater
> in intensity than you experience in meditation or in deep sleep. The
> freshness experienced is greater than you experience after waking from deep
> sleep or dream state or simply from sleep. The effect of deep meditation is
> that one keeps experiencing the bliss and deep peace throughout the day,
> even when one is working in office.
> You will realise that your infinite nature the real 'I', once again gets
> trapped in different bodies and then to manomaya kosha and finally to
> annamaya kosha. It is in contact with manomaya kosha or any other kosha
> that the play of duality exists and once again all the drama starts ...
> life drama, thoughts, tension, unfinished work, etc, etc.
> So, do you meditate? By meditation, I mean, you you do japa or any mantra
> or on OM (only if your guru has initiated you) or do neti-neti (only if
> your guru has initiated you). OM and neti-neti is not for everybody.
> Similarly, to your second query, IMHO, you do not experience one state
> merging into another. You experience passing from one state into another.
> Next moment you are simply in a deep state, just like it happens in day
> dreaming or visualising. When you come out, where does all the characters,
> emotions and thoughts go?, they simply vanish, disappear. You experience
> during meditation that it is you who creates a scene, try to convince your
> friend in an argument that you had earlier and later on when your friend is
> convinced, the scene ends and everything gets pulled back into you. Here
> 'you' is 'mind'. Mind creates characters, scene, thoughts and emotions.
> Even you are one of the characters. You experience yourself. There are many
> characters, there are emotions, there is argument and so thoughts. the
> whole scene is erected in a flash. After some time it vanishes. The whole
> time, there were no 'others' present, it was only you, yet you experienced
> many. Same is the case with all the states - creation, preservation and
> destruction happens in mind, your mind experiences them and then moves on
> or say transcends them. This is explained by 'diving deep within'. When one
> is completely detached with no thoughts, by grace of god and guru
> (shivakrupa), one can experience samAdhi, even though one feels one is not
> capable of reaching that state. After one dives deep within to some depth,
> then you, as an individual has no further role in it (the process or
> meditation), someone or something is already waiting for you. After that,
> it takes care of situation and then whatever is to be done is done by that
> thing and you, as an individual, have no role in it. Sri Ramana Maharshi
> also says the same thing (read somewhere). That is why Guru's grace is
> extremely important and so great importance is given to gurudev. He is
> equated to deva - God. Gurupurnima is nearing and so we all must try our
> best to present ourselves with the purified mind (shuddha-chitta). That, I
> think, is the best gift to our beloved and compassionate gurudev.
> Let u always remain surrendered to our guru. Let us always feel this
> humility which arises out of samarpaNa. Let us always remember who, in
> reality, does all the work, those power flows through us, whose grace flows
> through us. It is the sunlight that blossoms flowers. We are such flowers
> who out of guru's warmth, his caring nature, due to his infinite compassion
> makes us blossom and our petals unfold step by step, until the flower fully
> blossoms. Let us remain surrendered to our beloved gurudev, who always
> stands by us at all times and may we never get separated from his and his
> grace and his teachings. Never ever even for a moment does our ego rise
> against him, but always remained humbled by his compassion and benevolence
> until our ego will cease to exist.  Only then guru will be born inside his
> shishya (disciple).
> || Gurur brahmA gurur viShNu, guru devo maheshvara, guru sAkshAt
> parabrahma, asmaishrI guruve namaH ||
> || OM Sri Gurubhyo namaH ||
> || Shi Guru Sharanam ||
> || HariH OM ||
> "To disconnect from the self and to become Aware of anything else is
> nothing but unhappiness" - Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi
> He who has faith has all
> He who lacks faith, lacks all
> It is the faith int he name of lord that works wonders
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 6:45 PM sreenivasa murthy via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> > From where do the the states of waking, dream and deep sleep ,
> experienced
> > by human beings, come from and where do they
> > merge back when one state is present?
> > I request the scholarly friends of this august group to clarify
> > the above doubts of mine in a non-technical way.
> > For this kind and generous act I will be deeply indebted to the
> memberswho
> > respond to this posting of mine.
> > With respectful namasakars,Sreenivasa Murthy.
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