[Advaita-l] Brahmasri Mani Dravid Sastry - lectures on 'Vedanta Paribhasha' (in Hindi): Topic - 'Vishaya Parichedah'
kuntimaddi sadananda
kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 10 20:21:59 EST 2018
Just for information. These series of lectures on Vedanta Paribhasha by Shreeman Mani Dravid Shastrigal were actually made available for seekers at large by the Advaita Academy. There are many other topics and speakers on various texts, including our members Shree Subbuji and Vidyashankar.
Hari Om!Sadananda
On Sunday, November 11, 2018, 2:41:32 AM GMT+5:30, Durga Prasad Janaswamy via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
Brahmasri Mani Dravid Sastry - lectures on 'Vedanta Paribhasha' (in Hindi):
Topic - 'Vishaya Parichedah'
The first lecture (titled: 20160711 VP Vedantavishaya) on 'Vishaya
Parichedah' is uploaded to Youtube. The topic of first lecture is: Swarupa
Lakhshana. The next class uploaded to Youtube is titled: '20160815 VP
Vedanta Vishayah'. Thus there is a long gap in the dates.
The next topic discussed in 'Vishaya Parichedah' is 'Tatastha Lakshana'.
However the lecture on 'Tatastha Lakshana' is missing in Youtube. If any
one has recording of the missing videos, I request to share them with me.
In the videos, we can hear two students actively seeking clarifications
from Brahmasri Sastrigal. The answers given by Brahmasri Sastrigal added
more to the lectures. Looks like Brahmasri Sastrigal also enjoyed the
giving these lectures and clarifications.
I donot know who these students are and I would be very happy to talk to
them if their contact details are given.
Brahmasri Sastrigal's lectures are a boon to Hindi knowing sadhakas.
thank you and regards
-- durga prasad janaswamy
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