[Advaita-l] [sadhaka] When does Spiritual Practice Begin? (Oct 30, 2018)

RAMESH RAMANAN rameshramanan at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 30 00:30:45 EDT 2018

Pranams to all,
I am forwarding a nice post containing answers by SrI Ramsukhadasji on spiritual matters for the benefitt of our members.  Ramesh Ramanan.

Spiritual Practice(Saadhan)
 Question: When does spiritual practice (Saadhan) begin in human life ?
 Swamiji: When man becomes  remorseful with worldly concerns and begins to reflect on  these things, that is the beginning of his spiritual practice (saadhan). When man does not get happiness from  this world, does not attain peace, then he becomes dejected. He experiences a turmoil within, and he begins to think that I would like the kind of happiness that is not mixed with sorrow. I want that kind of life, where there is no death. I  want that kind of success from which there is no fall. I cannot live without this eternal happiness. On having such  thoughts, a man becomes engaged in his spiritual journey and  in spiritual practices (saadhan). 
 Question: > How are we to know whether we are progressing or regressing  in our 'saadhana' (spiritual  practices/disciplines)? 

 Swamiji: The less we are > attracted to the world and the more we are attached to God, > that much we have progressed in our saadhan. On having made
 spiritual progress, there is less 'likes' (attachment) and 'dislikes' (aversion) in > relationships. There is a peaceful feeling, ever > cheerfulness and contentment. There is less elation and > dejection in worldly affairs. There is less happiness or > sadness from gains and losses.
 Question: Some people  say that worshiping God and Satsang (association with Truth)  etc. is for those who commit sins. We do not commit any
 sins, then why should we  remember  God?  One's mind  should be pure. What benefits do prayers and worship of God  bring? 
 Swamiji: You must say to them that the root cause of all sins is "desires"  -  "Kaamesh Krodhesh... " (Gita 3:37), then how can  you consider yourself free of sins? True sins are indulgence  in enjoyment of pleasures and accumulation of possessions.  Besides these two things, what are you doing? Besides
 "desires" what else is there in our mind? If there are desires in your mind, then how is your mind pure?  The one who does not pray, does not read scriptures, does  not pay homage to God, how is he any different from other  animals? Impurities come daily, therefore one has to take a
 bath, wash up every day. Daily one has to clean their  dishes, pots and pans. Those activities that human beings
 perform daily, they are bound to have faults and bring sins  "Sarvaa rambhahi doshena dhumenagniri vaavrutaah."
 (Gita 18:47). For the purification from these mistakes and  sins, it is essential to do daily prayers, reading of
 scriptures, worship and remember God, and  Meditate. 

 Thoughts such as - "The  mind should be pure, what benefits do prayers, worship of  God, and reading the scriptures bring?" come, only when
 the mind is impure. If the mind is pure, then those actions  prohibited by the scriptures could never be performed. If
 the mind is engaging in activities prohibited by the  scriptures, then this is the indicator of impurities within  the mind. 
>From "Prashno Uttermanimala" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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