[Advaita-l] An Advaitic Vishnu Stuti by Prahlada in the Vishnu Puranam

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 22:41:07 EST 2019

This stotram by Prahlada of the Paramatman in the Vishnu Purana is a
goldmine of Advaitic concepts. The saguna-nirguna aspects of Brahman are
brought out very clearly. The realization of the stotra-sayer as the very
Brama svarupam is also declared in the words of Prahlada. The Mandukya 7th
mantra idea of 'prapanchopashamam' is stated as 'niShprapancham'. We are
reminded of the famous Advaitic declaration: अध्यारोप-अपवादाभ्यां
निष्प्रपञ्चं प्रपञ्च्यते' cited by Shankara in the Bh.Gita bhashya as that
of 'sampradAya vit', is also embedded in this stuti. The stuti is a fine
study for the Vedanta Tattva anusandhAna and sAkshAtkAra. I thank all those
involved in making available this stotram.

ब्रह्मत्वे सृजते विश्वं स्थितौ पालयते पुनः।

रुद्ररूपाय कल्पान्ते नमस्तुभ्यं त्रिमूर्तये॥३॥
Prahlada is addressing the stuti to Turiya Vishnu as is clear from the
above lines: Brahman is Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.

These lines in the stotram:

सर्वगत्वादनन्तस्य स एवाहमवस्थितः।
मत्तः सर्वमहं सर्वं मयि सर्वं सनातने॥२२॥
अहमेवाक्षयो नित्यः परमात्मात्मसंश्रयः।
तथान्ते च परः पुमान् ॥२३॥

are akin to the Kaivalyopanishad where there is the statement: मय्येव सकलं
जातं मयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् । मयि सर्वं लयं याति तद् ब्रह्म अद्वयमस्म्यहम्
॥ Everything emerges from me, rests in me and lapses in me. I am the
secondless Advaitic Brahman. This is the realization of Prahlada as a
result of his Bhakti to Brahman in the form of Vishnu.

The stuti can be read here fully:


I have linked Sri Lalithalalita ji's page in the FB post of the above

warm regards


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