[Advaita-l] 'Buddha is not an Avatara of Vishnu' - An article in Kannada
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 10:39:32 EDT 2019
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:53 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Hari Om V Subramanian ji,
> Though entire world is manifestation of Brahman alone, yet there is a
> difference between birth of ordinary people and that of avatAra. The
> manifestation of avatAra is not owing to any prArabdha whereas ordinary
> living beings are born due to prArabdha.
This is not denied.
> This being so, is it justified to say that everyone is avatAra.
You may refer to -
अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् ।
परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् ॥ ११ ॥
Shankara bhashya
अवजानन्ति अवज्ञां परिभवं कुर्वन्ति मां मूढाः अविवेकिनः मानुषीं
मनुष्यसम्बन्धिनीं तनुं देहम् आश्रितम् , मनुष्यदेहेन व्यवहरन्तमित्येतत् ,
परं प्रकृष्टं भावं परमात्मतत्त्वम् आकाशकल्पम् आकाशादपि अन्तरतमम् अजानन्तो
मम भूतमहेश्वरं सर्वभूतानां महान्तम् ईश्वरं स्वात्मानम् । ततश्च तस्य मम
अवज्ञानभावनेन आहताः ते वराकाः ॥ ११ ॥
And Shankaranandiya bhashya for the above verse where he has stated that
man ridicules his own svarupam by attributing various anatma dharma-s.
Here the maam' that Bhagavan says in the above verse is taken to be the
very svarupam of every jiva.
So, the entire world is a leela, play, where Brahman takes various forms,
of the ignorant, of the knowledgeable, the divinities, etc. त्वं स्त्री
त्वं पुमान्....श्वेताश्वतर.....श्रीरुद्रम्
> In 4.6 Gita BhAshya, Acharya says -- संभवामि देहवानिव भवामि जात इव
> आत्ममायया आत्मनः
> मायया न परमार्थतो लोकवत्
> In 4.9 -- जन्म मायारूपं कर्म च साधूनां परित्राणादि मे मम दिव्यम् अप्राकृतम्
> ऐश्वरम्
> Those who distinguish Maya and avidya hold that avatAra is owing purely due
> to Maya whereas ordinary births have both Maya and avidya
> (avidya-samyuktam-avyaktam of 7.4).
> In any case, there appears to be a clear distinction between birth of an
> avatAra such as Krishna and that of ordinary mortals.
> Regards
> Sudhanshu.
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