[Advaita-l] Shankara Digvijaya Sara - part 30

jaldhar at braincells.com jaldhar at braincells.com
Thu Jun 11 01:52:20 EDT 2020

195| jambūdvīpaṁ śasyate'syāṁ pṛthivyāṁ tatrāpyetanmaṇḍalaṁ bhāratākhyam |
kāśmīrākhyaṁ maṇḍalaṁ tatra śastaṁ yatrā''ste'sau śāradā vāgadhīśā ||55|

195. On this Earth Jambūdvīpa is the most excellent.  In it there is an area 
known as Bhārata.  There, the area known as Kāśmīra is the best where the 
Ruler of Speech Śāradā, resides.(55)

196| dvārayuktaṁ māṇḍapaistaccaturbhiḥ devyā gehaṁ yatra sarvajñapīṭham |
yatrā''rohe sarvavitsajjanānāṁ nānye sarve yatpraveṣṭuṁ kṣamante ||56||

196. There is the divine abode, the temple with four doors called the 
Sarvajñapīṭha.  These [doors] can only be passed by the noble and all-knowing; 
no one else is able to enter.(56)

197| prācyāḥ prācyāṁ paścimāḥ paścimāyāṁ ye codīcyāstāmudīcīṁ prapannāḥ |
sarvajñāstadvāramuddhāṭayanto dākṣā naddhaṁ no taduddhāṭayanti ||57||

197. Easterners have opened the eastern, Westerners the western, and Northerners 
the northern doors being all-knowing but up until now, no Southerner has 
opened the [southern] door.

198| vārtāmupaśrutya sa dākṣiṇātyo mānaṁ tadīyaṁ parimātumicchan |
kāśmīradeśāya jagāma hṛṣṭaḥ śrīśaṅkaro dvāramapāvarītum ||58||

198. Having heard this story, Śrī Śaṅkara who counted as a Southerner, 
desiring to establish its’ [i.e. the Souths’] reputation, proceeded quickly to 
Kāśmīra with a view to open the door.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>

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