[Advaita-l] Mandukya UP - Praviviktabhuk definition
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 06:45:07 EDT 2020
Namaste Praveen Ji,
I agree that the jIva experiences subtle objects. But in the current
context, I am only meaning that the subtle objects are not any subtle
objects, but only those that form part of the jIva himself. i am
understanding the sukshma shaRira as part of jIva. This understanding in
the current context is also borne out by the bhAshya itself.
<< इन्द्रियापेक्षया अन्तःस्थत्वान्मनसः तद्वासनारूपा च स्वप्ने प्रज्ञा
यस्येति अन्तःप्रज्ञः, विषयशून्यायां प्रज्ञायां केवलप्रकाशस्वरूपायां
विषयित्वेन भवतीति तैजसः । विश्वस्य सविषयत्वेन प्रज्ञायाः स्थूलाया
भोज्यत्वम् ; इह पुनः केवला वासनामात्रा प्रज्ञा भोज्येति प्रविविक्तो भोग
इति । >>.
<< indriyApekShayA antaHsthatvAnmanasaH tadvAsanArUpA cha svapne praj~nA
yasyeti antaHpraj~naH, viShayashUnyAyAM praj~nAyAM kevalaprakAshasvarUpAyAM
viShayitvena bhavatIti taijasaH | vishvasya saviShayatvena praj~nAyAH
sthUlAyA bhojyatvam ; iha punaH kevalA vAsanAmAtrA praj~nA bhojyeti
pravivikto bhoga iti | >..
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 4:08 PM Praveen R. Bhat <bhatpraveen at gmail.com>
> Namaste Chandramouli ji,
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 4:00 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Namaste.
>> Reg << a subject who experiences the pravivikta object Finally, it
>> means one who
>> experiences that which is different/separate >>,
>> Pravivikta is here interpreted as ** different**. Should it not be
>> understood as ** differentiating oneself or itself ** ??.
> No, for the same grammatical reasons as explained.
> That is how praviviktabhuk is understood as jIva who differentiates
>> himself,
> No, a jIva who experiences subtle objects which are different from gross
> objects. A jIva being different is not a meaning that can be arrived at in
> the given samAsa.
>> meaning thereby that the dream creation is nothing but his own previous
>> experiences or vAsanas, his Sukshma sharIra, and enjoys the same.
> You're right, but that meaning doesn't fit the jIva being different but
> experiencing something different.
> Kind rgds,
> --Praveen R. Bhat
> /* येनेदं सर्वं विजानाति, तं केन विजानीयात्। Through what should one know
> That owing to which all this is known! [Br.Up. 4.5.15] */
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