[Advaita-l] Illusory nature of the waking and dream states

Venkatesh Murthy vmurthy36 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 12:01:05 EDT 2021


But in waking state we can reflect on dream state and say dream objects are
not real. This explanation of yours in the email is in waking state only,
But conversely we do not reflect in dream state on waking state and say
waking objects are not real. The Sruti only can tell us waking objects are
not real. It is not possible by reasoning alone. If it is possible  by
reasoning alone there is no need of Sruti Pramana. This is not the way of

On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 5:01 PM Vinodh via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaskarams,
> In Gaudapadacharya's karika on the Mandukyopanishad, he establishes the
> falsehood (or illusory nature) of both the waking and dream states through
> reasoning alone (i.e., without relying on Sruti) in the Vaitathya Prakarana
> (Vaitathya = falsehood) in verses 4-6.
> The reasoning goes as follows:
> 1. Things in a dream are unreal on account of them being confined within
> oneself.
> 2. Dream and waking states are similar on account of both of them having
> object perception, i.e., there is a seer and a seen (a subject-object
> relationship).
> 3. That which is non-existent in the beginning and in the end is
> necessarily non-existent in the middle.
> Therefore, just like all objects in a dream (including the dream
> mind-body-senses etc.), which did not exist just before falling asleep or
> just after waking up, and therefore are non-existent during the dream as
> well, all objects in a waking state (including the waking mind-body-senses
> etc.), which did not exist just before waking up or just after falling
> asleep, are also non-existent during the waking state as well.
> The above is the only conclusive explanation I have come across that
> establishes the illusory nature of both the waking and dream states.
> When a superimposition (adhyaasa) occurs between the atma and the illusory
> dream/waking mind-body, all interactions (vyavahara) in these states are
> wrongly imagined to be associated with the atma. The atma, being pure
> consciousness, is just a substratum on which the above dream/waking
> illusions appear and are witnessed, but it is itself untouched by these
> illusions like the rope is untouched by an illusion of a snake appearing
> above it.
> Om tat sat 🙏
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