[Advaita-l] On yajna / homa
kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Wed Sep 29 00:50:35 EDT 2021
Q: is that written that way to adhere to some chandas?
Whenever we chant any god/godess prayer/mantra, we generally begins with sankalap, God's name followed by the rishi's name who has told us its method of upasana and we say 'Anstup Chandaha' (8 syllable patterns). Chandas literally a measurement scale of syllables in a partcular order so that specific sounds can be generated. It is simply a meter regualted by the no of syllables.
Sri Aurobindo says that different patters of syllables give different sound which inturn gives different spiritual values. These metric arrangements “tend to produce by virtue of the fixed succession of sounds a fixedspiritual atmosphere gives spritual power of that particular god's in that prayer. When we utters with a particular metre we can get a certain amount of spritual force with that sound.
In simple terms, we are wearing clothes with particular measurements just to
cover our physical body, in a simliar way, Chandas is also metre scale to reach
out god/godess attributes or to get its strength. It should with that scale then
only resonace can be obtained. Otherwise, it will go out of your plane and
spiritual power can't be achieved.
More details about its significance can be found at this link:
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara
On Tuesday, 28 September, 2021, 08:20:40 pm IST, Raman M <mraman.m at gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 28 Sep, 2021, 13:52 KAMESWARARAO
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara
is that written that way to adhere to some chandas?
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