[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Paratva of Devi in ​​Kurma Purana

sunil bhattacharjya skbhattacharjya at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 14:23:34 EST 2022

Dear Subbuji,

Lord Krishna also said in the Purana, that* in the panchayatana worship,
the Devi is worshipped for Mukti or Liberation.* Lord Krishna, according to
the Ttantra shastra,  is the male form of Mother Kali, one of the forms of
Devi herself. Mother Lalita is also another form of the Devi, who gives
Mukti. *That is why Gaudapadacharya asked Adi Shankara to write his 16th or
the last bhashya, i.e.,  the Lalita Trishati Bhashya* and he (Adi
Shankara)  himself spent his last days  the feet of Mother Lalita in

My 2 cents
Sunil K B.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:00 AM V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>

> https://www.sanskritworld.in/.../book/book_50dbe67014c61.txt
> <https://www.sanskritworld.in/public/assets/book/book_50dbe67014c61.txt?fbclid=IwAR2BO9F3TDCyG6mCv7zmEUi3XT3n4NG-BUrBurQT_J43FAYF8dygf69o894>
> देव्युवाच -
> अहं वै मत्परान् भक्तानैश्वरं योगमास्थितान् ।
> संसारसागरादस्मादुद्धराम्यचिरेण तु ॥ १,११.२६३ ॥
> ध्यानेन कर्मयोगेन भक्त्या ज्ञानेन चैव हि ।
> प्राप्याहं ते गिरिश्रेष्ठ नान्यथा कर्मकोटिभिः ॥ १,११.२६४ ॥
> I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whoever is devoted to Me and who
> has attained the Supreme Yoga, very soon I shall rescue you from this ocean
> of material existence. 1,11.263 ॥
> By meditation, karma, yoga, devotion and knowledge.
> O best of mountains, I can be attained nothing else can be done by
> millions of actions. 1,11.264 ॥
> --
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