[Advaita-l] Binary nature of Jnana

Praveen R. Bhat bhatpraveen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 07:20:31 EDT 2022

Namaste Chandramouli ji,

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 4:39 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>

> Namaste Praveen Ji,
> Reg  <<  Even then, trying to see the word brahmaniShThA as something
> possible for an ajnAnI is beyond me. The very samAsa stands for brahmaNi
> niShThA = brahmaniShThA, where niShThA =nitarAM sthitiH. One who has no
> jnAna of oneself being brahma cannot have nitarAM sthiti in it. And if one
> can have niShThA in it, has such jnAna, and is therefore, a jnAnI  >>,
> Bhashya on Prashna 1 of Prashnopanishad
> <<   कबन्धी नामतः, कत्यस्यापत्यं कात्यायनः ; विद्यमानः प्रपितामहो यस्य सः ;
> युवप्रत्ययः । ते ह एते ब्रह्मपराः अपरं ब्रह्म परत्वेन गताः,
> तदनुष्ठाननिष्ठाश्च ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः, परं ब्रह्म अन्वेषमाणाः किं तत् यन्नित्यं
> विज्ञेयमिति तत्प्राप्त्यर्थं यथाकामं यतिष्याम इत्येवं तदन्वेषणं कुर्वन्तः,
> तदधिगमाय एष ह वै तत्सर्वं वक्ष्यतीति आचार्यमुपजग्मुः ।  >>
> <<  kabandhI nAmataH, katyasyApatyaM kAtyAyanaH ; vidyamAnaH prapitAmaho
> yasya saH ; yuvapratyayaH | te ha ete brahmaparAH aparaM brahma paratvena
> gatAH, tadanuShThAnaniShThAshcha brahmaniShThAH, paraM brahma anveShamANAH
> kiM tat yannityaM vij~neyamiti tatprAptyarthaM yathAkAmaM yatiShyAma
> ityevaM tadanveShaNaM kurvantaH, tadadhigamAya eSha ha vai tatsarvaM
> vakShyatIti AchAryamupajagmuH | >>
> Translation of the part relevant to the current context  ( Swami
> Gambhirananda)  <<  ……These people who were ever devoted to the Inferior
> Brahman, mistaking that or the superior One; and they were  ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः
> (brahmaniShThAH ), engaged in practices leading to Its attainment ; ……..>>
> All the six sages mentioned above were not jnAnIs . But still addressed in
> the Bhashya as ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः (brahmaniShThAH ).
Agreed, if all the while you are were saying that brahmaniShTha word means
niShTha in (anuShThAna of) aparabrahma even in nididhyAsana! I can only
hope you didn't! Even here, the samAsa means what I wrote in the earlier
mail as saptamI-tatpuruSha. Further, the word brahma can mean brAhmaNa or
Veda contextually, in which case it would mean niShTha in those. However,
in nididhyAsana, none of the meanings other than parabrahma apply to brahma
in brahmaniShThA.

Apologies for too much noise on this thread. I rest my case please. Thanks

--Praveen R. Bhat
/* येनेदं सर्वं विजानाति, तं केन विजानीयात्। Through what should one know
That, owing to which all this is known! [Br.Up. 4.5.15] */

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