kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jun 1 18:12:38 EDT 2022
Speaking Tree article in TOI speaks something about the "Oneness is Essential for Society to Thrive" By Sh. Mahendra Pal Singh" an retired senior Army Officer.
Here is the LINK"
His description was nice & in Simple terms to bring about the differences in society in ONLINE.
His Concluded his writeup with a great saying that: & In his words.
Oneness is not a religion, but it is at the core of every religion. and more than a belief, it’s a scientific fact. Scientifically also, at the subatomic level, we are all connected. The same energy (KUNDALINI) that powers me powers you. Consider the light bulb. It doesn’t matter where that light bulb is made or what it looks like, it is electricity that lights all light bulbs. The ‘Law of Purpose’ is another important spiritual law, and it tells us that everyone shares exactly the same purpose in life, which is to add the highest value to everyone at all times. When we understand that this is our purpose in life, it is like having the power of the Universe on our side. This is the only way to achieve permanent bliss,joy&harmony in society.
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana Mastu
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