KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Tue May 3 22:15:00 EDT 2022

Harmony of Life can be achieved by controlling the mind:

The true nature of the mind is to learn, reflect, understand, discover and invent, and in the process of unleashing its potencies it creates its own sphere known as nousphere, that is, the mind sphere or intellect sphere. Mind attempts to enlarge the nousphere for keeping on penetrating the universe as deep as possible. The faculty of the mind is a universal faculty – the most intriguing faculty of the universe – and it is the one that cultivates a will to understand whatever is out there. By its very nature, the mind attempts to reach and work at new horizons. It is a wonderful phenomenon of the universe nurturing a desire to fulfil the great purpose of universalism. It undergoes its own Evolution, which is in tune with universalism and it strives to live for universalism.
In GITA, Krishna said:असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् |
अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते ||O mighty-armed son of Kunti, what you say is correct; the mind is indeed very difficult to restrain. But by practice and detachment, it can be controlled.

Shree Krishna responds to Arjun’s comment by calling him Mahābāho, which means “Mighty armed one.” He implies, “O Arjun, you defeated the bravest warriors in battle. Can'T  you  defeat the mind?”

Shree Krishna does not deny the problem, by saying, “Arjun, what nonsense are you speaking? The mind can be controlled very easily.” Rather, he agrees with Arjun’s statement that the mind is indeed difficult to control. However, so many things are difficult to achieve in the world and yet we remain undaunted and move forward. For example, sailors know that the sea is dangerous and the possibility of terrible storms exists. Yet, they have never found those dangers as sufficient reasons for remaining ashore. Hence, Shree Krishna assures Arjun that the mind can be controlled by vairāgya and abhyās.

Vairāgya means detachment. We observe that the mind runs toward the objects of its attachment, toward the direction it has been habituated to running in the past. The elimination of attachment eradicates the unnecessary wanderings of the mind.
Abhyās means practice, or a concerted and persistent effort to change an old habit or develop a new one. Practice is a very important word for sādhaks. In all fields of human endeavor, practice is the key that opens the door to mastery and excellence. Take, for example, a mundane activity such as typing. The first time people begin typing, they are able to type one word in a minute. But after a year’s typing, their fingers fly on the keyboard at the speed of eighty words a minute. This proficiency comes solely through practice. Similarly, the obstinate and turbulent mind has to be made to rest on the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord through abhyās. Take the mind away from the world—this is vairāgya—and bring the mind to rest on God—this is abhyās. Sage Patanjali gives the same instruction:
abhyāsa vairāgyābhyāṁ tannirodhaḥ (Yog Darśhan 1.12)
“The perturbations of the mind can be controlled by constant practice and detachment.”ONE CAN SPEAK TO THEIR MIND ONLY  AFTER FORGETTING KOSABHIMANA (BODY CONCIOUNESS)Learners are requested to contribute their viewsSri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara

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