[Advaita-l] Trimurti abheda and Turiya Vishnu in the Matsya Purana

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 05:50:49 EST 2022

Trimurti Abheda and Turiya Vishnu in the Matsya Purana
In this chapter a yoga practice is mentioned. Here it is said that if the
Trimurtis and Surya are worshiped disregarding any difference among them,
then the the whole world stands worshipped.
मत्स्यपुराणम्/अध्यायः ५२
वासुदेवो जगन्मूर्त्तिस्तस्य सम्भूतयो ह्यमी।। ५२.२० ।।
ब्रह्मा विष्णुश्च भगवान् मार्त्तण्डो वृषवाहनः।
Here is Vasudeva is taught as the Turiya, transcendental. The Vibhutis of
this Tattva are the Trimurtis and Surya, etc.
अष्टौ च वसवस्तद्वदेकादशगणाधिपाः।
लोकपालाधिपालैश्च पितरो मातरस्तथा।। ५२.२१ ।।
इमा विभूतयः प्रोक्ता श्चराचरसमन्विताः।
ब्रह्माद्याश्चतुरो मूलमव्यक्ताधिपतिः स्मृतः।। ५२.२२ ।।
ब्रह्मणा चाथ सूर्य्येण विष्णुनाथ शिवेन वा।
अभेदात् पूजितेन स्यात् पूजितं सचराचरम्।। ५२.२३ ।।
The Vishnu Purana and other Puranas also say that the Trimurtis are
vibhutis, splenderous manifestations, of that principle.
Om Tat Sat

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