[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Caricature of Advaita, Shankaracharya, etc. by the Gaudiya head
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Tue Oct 18 07:33:49 EDT 2022
So taking brihadaranyaka upanishad as pramana it is explained that brahman alone owing to avidya became many.
Hare Krishna
This would give us the impression that even before the srushti of jeeva and jagat, avidyA has the locus in parabrahman itself. So parabrahman himself (itself) not free from avidyA and due to avidyA in him he does the creation or he thought that he wanted to be many!!?? So, before creation itself we are talking about parabrahman who has avidyA and at that time where was nirvishesha, nirguNa, niravayava brahman or nitya shuddha, buddha mukta parabrahman?? In the context of br.bhAshya it is not there to prove brahmAshrita avidyA, it is there to say there is no second Chaitanya apart from brahman. When the jeeva getting rid of his avidyA he would realize this truth that he is nitya, shuddha, buddha and mukta and there was / is / will never be a dirt like avidyA. Hence avdiyA is always abhAva rUpa.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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