[Advaita-l] New members

jaldhar at braincells.com jaldhar at braincells.com
Wed Aug 23 22:25:28 EDT 2023


Namaskarams to bhaktas of the mailing list.

My introduction to Vedanta was through accident, coming across DVDs of
upanyasams and hari kathas, and slowly getting into the pandemic caused
YouTube tradition of discourses.

Because of that, I've been fortunate to learn the various positions of
Advaita and VisishtAdvaita.

We do not how many janmAs have gone by, and how many more are to come. As
hopeful as one is about moksham, one cannot demand, or be certain of its
awarding by the Lord. I hope my association with the mailing list will
improve my adhikArA for brahma-jignAsA, and the vAsanA of such association
will carry forward to future births, as undesirable as those births might

Javier Ruiz Calderon

I have been studying and practicing Advaita Vedanta for many years, mainly 
with swamis of the Divine Life Society, Chinmaya Mission and Arsha Vidya, and 
with the publications of Ramakrishna Mission and Advaita Ashrama. At present I 
am a disciple of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. My doctor's degree dissertation 
was on Advaita Vedanta, and I have published a Spanish translation and edition 
of Sadananda's Vedantasara, with a large commentary based on traditional and 
modern commentaries.

Ankit Shah

Humble Pranams to all vedanta Acharya's and scholars.

Iam a student of advaitha vedanta I just started studying. I need to learn 
more about through relevant sources and I believe it is the source from I can 
gain right knowledge of the scriptures. Thankyou so much for making this kind 
of group from which the person like me can get benefit. Thankyou once again a 
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>

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