[Advaita-l] The world is akin to dream, magic and reverie - Bhagavatam
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 12:47:11 EST 2023
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः ९/अध्यायः १८
यस्मिन्निदं विरचितं व्योम्नीव जलदावलिः ।
नानेव भाति नाभाति स्वप्नमायामनोरथः ॥ ४९ ॥
In Brahman the world is fashioned like clouds on the canvas of the sky. The
created world is perceived in the waking (and dream) and not perceived in
deep sleep. It is akin to a dream, magic show and reverie (daydream).
The analogy of dream, magic, daydream are used in abundance in the Advaita
बाह्यं पृथिव्यादि तत्त्वमाध्यात्मिकं च देहादिलक्षणं *रज्जुसर्पादिवत्*
*स्वप्नमाया**दिवच्च असत् *, ‘वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयम्’ (छा. उ. ६
।……Mandukya karika 2.38
स्वप्नवृत्तावपि स्वप्नस्थानेऽपि अन्तश्चेतसा *मनोरथ**सङ्कल्पितमसत् ;
सङ्कल्पानन्तरसमकालमेवादर्शनात् ।* 2.9
(There is a post from Sri Suresh Srinivasamurthy highlighting many
Advaita-friendly verses from the Bhagavatam, taken from this site:
Om tat sat
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