[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Mandukya bhashya. Ignorance seed in sushupti

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Tue Jun 27 07:32:53 EDT 2023

Hare Krishna

Myself and Sri Subbu prabhuji have discussed this based on Sri SSS perspective of kAraNAvidyA in sushupti and other vyAkhyAnakAra-s bhAva rUpa mUlAvidyA in sushupti.  So it is not for him 😊

Just for the information there is valley of difference in saying there is jnAnAbhAva ( i.e. absence of knowledge that he is one with parabrahman) in sushupti and there is positive entity like mUlAvidyA in sushupti which envelops the brahman itself.  In short abhAva of the knowledge that he is one with brahman is not come in the way of his ekatvaM  in sushupti whereas existence of bhAvarUpa avidyA which is the upAdAna kAraNa for the adhyAsa would throw us in a helpless situation that there is no way to realize our ekatvaM in any of the avastha and lOkAnubhava or pUrNAnubhava.  So unless and until we know the meaning of avidyA beeja shakti as per the context of  avasthAtraya prakriya there is no point in either saying that there is ekatvaM in sushupti or astitvaM of avidyA in bhAvarUpa in sushupti. If the prAjna in sushupti is embracing avidyA then shruti would not have said that prajnastu parameshwaraH and who is always / ever free from avidyA (nitya nivruttaavidyatvAt Ishwarasya, he is sarvajna, sarva shakta, paraM etc.  So we have to be very careful before hastening to announce that there exists avidyA in sushupti.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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