[Advaita-l] Vāśūdeva in Kāśmīr Śaīva Dhārma
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 00:14:30 EDT 2023
Again this shows Shaivism is closer to Shankara Advaita than the many
shades of Vaishnavism.
On Sat, 25 Mar 2023, 9:42 am V Subrahmanian, <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> A very insightful post:
> https://www.facebook.com/100090600606360/posts/132356169794403/?mibextid=n63VFb68BARFQwy0
> [Vāśūdeva in Kāśmīr Śaīva Dhārma]
> Just like Śrīkantha Śivāchārya Śrīmad Avhīnavagūpta too Vāśūdeva is not a
> jeevātma but īśvara, he's in īśvara kotī along with Ūmā devī, whose Śivā's
> śhaktī and whose soul is one with Śīva.
> One example
> क्षिप्रं भवति धर्मात्मा
> शश्वच्छान्तिं निगच्छति ।
> कौन्तेय प्रतिजानीहि
> न मे भक्तः प्रणश्यति नवमोऽध्याये ॥[नवमोऽध्याये]
> श्रीमहामहेश्वराचार्यवर्य अभिनवगुप्तपाद in his श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतार्थसंग्रह
> explains this as thus,
> प्रतिजाने इति ; — युक्तियुक्तोऽयमर्थो भगवत्प्रतिज्ञातत्वात्सुष्ठुतमां दृढो
> भवति॥[इति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतार्थसंग्रहे ], here he mentions the pratīgya to
> be provided by lord himself who's Vāśūdeva. Before ending his Gītārtha
> Śañgrha he mentions Krīśña to be the lord whose soul is undoubtedly one
> with Śīva
> एवं भगवदर्जुनसंवादमात्रस्मरणादेव
> तत्त्वावाप्त्या श्रीविजयविभूतय इति शिवम् ॥
> In the 12th chapter's Śañgrha Śloka too this fact is cleared by him only
> as he says
> भङ्क्त्वा ज्ञानविमोहमन्थरमयीं सत्त्वादिभिन्नां धियं
> प्राप्य स्वात्मविभूतसुन्दरतया विष्णुं विकल्पातिगम् ।
> यक्तिंचित्स्वरसोद्यदिन्द्रियनिजव्यापारमात्रस्थिते -
> र्हेलात: कुरुते तदस्य सकलं संपद्यते शङ्करम् ॥
> [श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतार्थसंग्रहे ऽष्टादशोऽध्याये संग्रहश्लोकः]
> The translation is :-
> He who has got himself rid of(भङ्क्त्वा) three gunas , which are of the
> nature of knowledge , confusion and inertia
> (ज्ञानविमोहमन्थरमयीं) and has attained Śrī Vāśūdeva or Śrīmañ Nārāyana
> who's beyond thought(विष्णुं विकल्पातिगम्) via the realizing his self,
> which is blissful in nature
> (प्राप्य स्वात्मविभूतसुन्दरतया), whichever act might be performed by a
> yogin will be performed effortlessly as he will only perform those acts
> which will arise on their own(through Bhāgvat Īccha)(यक्तिंचित्स्व
> रसोद्यदिन्द्रियनिजव्यापारमात्रस्थिते). To such a yogin Sivā is
> everything(र्हेलात: कुरुते तदस्य सकलं संपद्यते शङ्करम्).
> Hence here also Viśnu is Śivā's śhaktī like Ūmā devi and hence his soul is
> one with Śīva. Hene he's in īśvara koti(ईश्वर कोटि)
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