[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: Does the mukta/jnani see the world?
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 06:20:50 EST 2023
Namaste Sudhanshu Ji,
In SidhAnta Bindu, Sri MS lists the four prakriyAs AdhyAsavAda,
PratibimbavAda, AvachedavAda and Drshtisrishti/EkajIvavAda. He also
mentions his view that Drshtisrishti/EkajIvavAda is the principal doctrine
of the Upanishads. However he concludes by recalling the famous BUBV verse
1-4-402 which states ** यया यया भवेत्पुंसा …… ** (yayA yayA bhavetpuMsA
…. ) ** All those methods by which men become convinced (of the true
nature) of the Self, should be known to be good and consistent (with the
main doctrine) **.
This implies that as per Sri MS, all the prakriyAs lead to the same Goal.
There is no difference in the status of the sAdhaka who reaches the Goal
through whichever prakriyA. Your contention appears to imply that the
status is different depending upon whether SDV or DSV or AjAtivAda is
followed by the sAdhaka.
Please clarify where it is stated by Sri MS either in Advaita Siddhi or
SidhAnta Bindu that such a difference obtains.
On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 12:35 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste Raghav ji
> //In terms of DSV (short of ajAtavAda), the question would be - what
> happens
> to the Active subsequent to jnAnam? Is there continuation of his "dream"
> in
> which he has appreciated himself as the sole conscious being or
> adhiShThAnam
> with all other beings and objects resolved as mere nAmarUpa superimposed on
> chaitanyam? Does the experience of the linearity of time etc continue ?//
> As per VedAnta SiddhAnta MuktAvalI and Advaita Siddhi, there is no
> continuation of "dream" post-jnAna as the ajnAna is completely annihilated.
> //My understanding is - their continuation poses no bAdha for jnAnam even
> in
> DSV.//
> Just as post-waking, the dream does not continue, similarly post-jnAna,
> ajnAna or its kArya cannot continue ---- so holds DSV.
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