[Advaita-l] [advaitin] 'BhAva' cannot be a product of 'abhAva' - Shankara
Sudhanshu Shekhar
sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 02:41:15 EDT 2024
Hari Om,
BhAshyakAra has made following statements:
1. #*अविद्याध्यस्तो* ब्रह्मण्येकस्मिन् अयं प्रपञ्चो विद्यया प्रविलाप्यत
इति ब्रूयात् , ततो ब्रह्मैव #*अविद्याध्यस्तप्रपञ्चप्रत्याख्यानेन
— ‘एकमेवाद्वितीयं ब्रह्म’ ‘तत्सत्यꣳ स आत्मा तत्त्वमसि’ (छा. उ. ६ । ८ । ७)
इति — तस्मिन्नावेदिते, विद्या स्वयमेवोत्पद्यते, तया च अविद्या बाध्यते,
ततश्च #*अविद्याध्यस्तः* सकलोऽयं नामरूपप्रपञ्चः स्वप्नप्रपञ्चवत्
प्रविलीयते (BSB 3.2.21)
2. रज्जुस्वरूपप्रकाशनेनैव हि तत्स्वरूपविज्ञानम्
*भवति । (BSB 3.2.21)
3. एवं च सति, सर्वक्षेत्रेष्वपि सतः भगवतः क्षेत्रज्ञस्य ईश्वरस्य
संसारित्वगन्धमात्रमपि नाशङ्क्यम् । न हि क्वचिदपि लोके
#*अविद्याध्यस्तेन *धर्मेण
कस्यचित् उपकारः अपकारो वा दृष्टः ॥ यत्तु उक्तम् — न समः दृष्टान्तः इति, तत्
असत् । कथम् ? #*अविद्याध्यासमात्रं* हि दृष्टान्तदार्ष्टान्तिकयोः
साधर्म्यं विवक्षितम् । (GItA 13.2)
4. न च आत्मनः संसारित्वम् , #*अविद्याध्यस्तत्वादात्मनि* संसारस्य । न हि
रज्जुशुक्तिकागगनादिषु सर्परजतमलादीनि मिथ्याज्ञानाध्यस्तानि तेषां भवन्तीति ।
(ChhAndogya 8.12.1)
5. कथं पुनः स्वरूपे व्यापाराभावे शास्त्रस्य द्वैतविज्ञाननिवर्तकत्वम् ?
नैष दोषः, रज्ज्वां सर्पादिवदात्मनि #*द्वैतस्याविद्याध्यस्तत्वात्* कथं
सुख्यहं दुःखी मूढो जातो मृतो जीर्णो देहवान् पश्यामि व्यक्ताव्यक्तः कर्ता
फली संयुक्तो वियुक्तः क्षीणो वृद्धोऽहं ममैते इत्येवमादयः सर्वे
आत्मन्यध्यारोप्यन्ते । (MANDUkya 2.32)
*In all these places, BhAshyakAra has made the usage of term
"avidyA-adhyAsa". Had avidyA and adhyAsa been identical, this usage of
avidyA-adhyAsa would not only have been superfluous but also having the
defect of punarukti. It would mean avidyA-avidyA or adhyAsa-adhyAsa, which
is meaningless.*
The only logical conclusion which can, hence, be derived is as follows
- *avidyA
and adhyAsa have different connotations*. The adhyAsa is caused by avidyA.
The word avidyA-adhyAsa is accordingly explained as avidyayA adhyAsah
अध्यासः*). This is supported by BBV 1.4.414: #*यस्मिंश्चाविद्ययाध्यासः*
संसारानर्थलक्षणः ।। स्वाभाविक्या कृतो मिथ्या शुक्त्यादौ रजतादिवत् ।। ४१४ ।।
Also in GItA 13.2 स्थाणुपुरुषौ ज्ञेयावेव सन्तौ ज्ञात्रा अन्योन्यस्मिन्
This implies that avidyA is the cause whereas adhyAsa is the effect due to
the use of karaNa-kAraka in avidyA.
*Therefore, to aver that avidyA and adhyAsa are defined to be identical is
contradicted by the usage of BhAshyakAra in the above mentioned places. *
Now, BhAshyakAra has also made the statement - तमेतमेवंलक्षणमध्यासं पण्डिता
अविद्येति मन्यन्ते । This means that the learned ones regard adhyAsa as
Thus, despite different literal connotation of avidyA and adhyAsa, the
learned ones regard adhyAsa as avidyA.
Now, a cause can be either upAdAna or nimitta. While none regards the
effect pot as potter/wheel/stick which are all nimitta for pot, everyone is
unanimous in accepting that pot is nothing but clay, its upAdAna.
A jeweller would very easily accept that despite gold and necklace having
different literal connotation -- necklace is nothing but gold. While an
ordinary purchaser may put in great value in ornament, the tattva-darshI
jeweller knows that necklace is nothing but gold. In his stock register, he
would not mention the number of necklaces - but the weight of gold.
Similarly, the very fact that BhAshyakAra (a) uses avidyA as the cause of
adhyAsa and (b) regards adhyAsa to be nothing but avidyA --- clearly
implies that avidyA is the upAdAna-kAraNa of adhyAsa.
Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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