[Advaita-l] [advaitin] The Upanishad and Shankara hold 'tamas' darkness, to be a 'thing.'

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 06:04:29 EDT 2024

Namaste Sudhanshu Ji,

Reg  // If you see here, tamas is presented as an object of pratyaksha like
a ghaTa //,

All it means is that cognizance of tamas comes under the category of
pratyaksha, just like with ghaTa. But nothing more need be read into the
similarity cited.

Reg  // This clearly proves that darkness is chakshu-vishaya and
consequently pramAtri-gamya and not sAkshi-bhAsya// ,

No no. In the case of rope-snake illustration, both chakshu-vishayatva
(pramAtri-gamyatva)  AND sAkshi-bhAsya are relevant. Location is
pramAtri-gamya and *object* is sAkshi-bhAsya. Same is the case with
cognition of darkness. Darkness needs chakshu sannikarsha.That is not

In all cases, what is produced by avidyA directly is sAkshi bhAsya. Be it
the object *rope-snake* or *darkness* which is produced directly by avidyA
and not through pancha bhUtAs.

On Sat, Aug 31, 2024 at 1:12 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar <sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com>

> Hari Om Chandramouli ji. Subbu ji.
> //Because, for sense of sight to be functional, presence of light is
> compulsory.//
> The issue as to whether darkness is pramAtri-gamya or sAkshi-bhAsya is
> dependent on whether the rUpa-jnAna of darkness is
> indriya-sannikarsha-janya or not. If it is indriya-sannikarsha-janya, then
> darkness should be accepted to be pramAtri-gamya.
> I checked ChitsukhI and VivaraNa-upanyAsa.
> *ChitsukhI *
> रूपत्वे रूपवत्त्वे वा आलोकानपेक्षचक्षुजन्यज्ञानविषयत्वासंभवो वाधक इति
> चेत्, मैवम्, आलोकविरोधिनस्तमसश्चालोकाभावव्यञ्जनीयतया
> तन्निरपेक्षचक्षुर्विषयत्वोपपत्तेः
> Pl see at
> https://archive.org/details/chitsukhiyogindrananda/page/n93/mode/1up
> The opponent argues that rUpa or rUpa-vat-vastu cannot have
> chakshu-vishayavtva without prakAsha. And hence darkness cannot be stated
> to have rUpa.
> SiddhAnti answers that the abhivyakti of darkness, which is
> prakAsha-virodhI, is contingent on prakAsha-abhAva and hence the
> chakshu-vishayatva of darkness is not dependent on presence of prakAsha.
> So, the rule that chakshu-vishayatva necessarily requires prakAsha is
> accepted to be violated in case of darkness.
> This clearly proves that darkness is chakshu-vishaya and consequently
> pramAtri-gamya and not sAkshi-bhAsya.
> *VivaraNa-upanyAsa*
> The anumAna presented there is: तमः शब्द वाच्यो नाभावः,
> स्वमात्रवृत्तिधर्मप्रकारकप्रतियोगिज्ञानाजन्यप्रत्यक्षविषयत्वाद्, घटवत्।
> If you see here, tamas is presented as an object of pratyaksha like a
> ghaTa. Since ghaTa is pramAtri-vedya and not sAkshi-bhAsya, we need to
> accept darkness as pramAtri-vedya as well because only then it can be
> stated to be pratyaksha ghaTa-vat.
> Please present your views in this regard.
> Regards.
> Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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