[Advaita-l] The Teaching of Advaita Unity in Skanda and Devi Bhagavata Puranas
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 06:22:20 EDT 2024
*The Teaching of Advaita Unity in Skanda and Devi Bhagavata Puranas*
देवीभागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः ०७/अध्यायः ३५
हिमालय उवाच
योगं वद महेशानि साङ्गं संवित्प्रदायकम् ।
कृतेन येन योग्योऽहं भवेयं तत्त्वदर्शने ॥ १ ॥
न योगो नभसः पृष्ठे न भूमौ न रसातले ।
ऐक्यं जीवात्मनोराहुर्योगं योगविशारदाः ॥ २ ॥
Himalaya said:
1. O Great Goddess, please teach me yoga with all its components, which
bestows true knowledge. By practicing it, may I become worthy of realizing
the ultimate truth.
The Goddess replied:
2. Yoga is not in the sky, nor on the earth, nor in the netherworld. *Those
who are well-versed in yoga declare it to be aikyam, the union, of the
individual soul with the supreme soul.*
स्कन्दपुराणम्/खण्डः ३ (ब्रह्मखण्डः)/ब्रह्मोत्तर खण्डः/अध्यायः १
एतेन मंत्रराजेन सर्वोपनिषदात्मना ॥
लेभिरे मुनयः सर्वे परं ब्रह्म निरामयम्॥१३॥
नमस्कारेण जीवत्वं शिवेऽत्र परमात्मनि ॥
ऐक्यं गतमतो मंत्रः परब्रह्ममयो ह्यसौ ॥ १४ ॥
13. With this king of mantras, which is the essence of all Upanishads,
all sages have attained the supreme, flawless Brahman.
14. Through this salutation, *the state of being a soul (jiva) merges,
aikyam, into Shiva, the supreme self.* Thus, this mantra is indeed the
embodiment of the supreme Brahman.
This Upanishadic unity is accepted only in Advaita. The great sayings
(Mahavakyas) like "Tat Tvam Asi" (That Thou Art) teach this very principle.
Om Tat Sat
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