[Advaita-l] DUTY OF THE MIND

KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Wed May 15 22:47:32 EDT 2024

Dear Members,                               As we discussed earlier speaking to mind is not an ordinary task and it is not possible with the exsistance or love for the physical body, however you can train the MIND to be in the duty based practise.
Swami Sivananda Maharaj Says:                                                                                        If anyone proves to be faithless to you, be faithful to him. If anyone injures you, forgive him and forget the injury done by him. Serve him with all your heart. You will gain immense spiritual strength and peace. The pride of youth might ridicule your action, but it will soon be a dream of the past. Forgiveness will embolden you. The Divine will shine in its pristine purity, splendor and glory.
Study the nature of the mind. Analyze it carefully & understand the function of the mind relavant to that issue. Get rid of the three defects of the mind, namely, impurity, tossing and the veil of ignorance, that hide right understanding. Purify and steady the restless mind. Fix it on the goal. Rise above its deceptions and temptations. Change the angle of vision by concentrating on the real instead of on the unreal. It is your main duty in life.
In support of the above views, today TIMES has similar article by author Sh. Maulana Wahuddin Khan, here is the Link:
His conclusion is that We should shift the focus of their efforts from the rights-based approach to the duty-based approach. This standard of ethics is straightforward and natural, and anyone can easily learn it. Becoming a good human being has nothing ambiguous about it. Its simple formula is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Known as the golden rule of ethics, this is the highest principle of social ethics. This is a universal teaching found in almost every religion in one verse or anotherWe all should make ‘excellence’ their goal; they should not accept anything less than striving for excellence. In doing so, not only will they reach great heights of success, but they will also be able to reform society along constructive lines. Let us dedicate ourselves to the noble endeavour of advancing our nation by embracing the principle of  DUTY first. This entails prioritising our nation’s and its citizens’ welfare and interests above all other considerations.
One caution always exsists here is if you follow to live with your ethics, you are certainly going to loose many materialistic things and it is surely not a profit based approach. You may dishonoured also many times in this approach but duty minded approach always gives the strength to the individual.
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara 

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