[Advaita-l] [advaitin] 'The Jiva is Mithya' - an article in English

Sudhanshu Shekhar sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 07:00:05 EST 2024


> BTW, the subject heading of this thread is quite interesting.  What best
> explanation the author of this article, would going to offer about
> Advaita’s famous slogan i.e. :  jeevO brahmaiva na aparaH, if jeeva is
> mithya??

Same as स्थाणुरयं पुरुषः. JIva is the ghost, Brahman is the post. Simple!
This is called bAdhAyAm-sAmAnAdhikaraNya and is admitted in AbhAsavAda
explained by Bhagvan VartikakAra. VedAnta 101!!

When I said, when the brahma is the only satya why we should not say both
> jeeva and jagat are mithya??!!

Jagat is mithyA is accepted in whole of VedAnta. There is no VedAnta if one
says jagat is pAramArthika-satya.

JIva is satya in pratibimbavAda being pratibimba. Here tat-tvam-asi is
JIva is mithyA in AbhAsavAda. Here tat-tvam-asi is bAdha-sAmAnAdhikaraNya.

Jagat is mithyA in all prakriyAs. So, sarvam-Brahman is always

> There was huge roar from all corners of this group that :  NO NO, jeeva is
> brahman and jagat cannot be said like that!!  Despite the fact that shruti
> itself says jagat is also brahman 😊

Sir ji. Jagat is also Brahman -- just as sthAnu is purusha.

Sudhanshu Shekhar.

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