[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Unambiguous statement of Akhandakara vritti in the Gita Bhashyam
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Mon Feb 10 06:33:52 EST 2025
Hare Krishna
In this 2-21 bhAshya, it is quite evident that there is no vidyAvidya vyavahAra in Atman and both avidyA and vidyA just mental modification. One who is having ajnAna called as ajnAni and the one who is having jnAna called as jnAni, both are in the sphere of avidyA only and this type of avidyA influence happens only when there is reality transfer (adhyAsa). With this the upasiddhAnta arises that avidyA is NOT the potency of the self and it does not have the power to cover (encompass) the self itself 😊 mUlAvidyAvAda goes for a big six here 😊. In the really real nature (satyasya satya) of the brahman / self there are absolutely no vyAvahArik dealings like ignorance and knowledge. It is always nitya Shuddha, buddha mukta svarUpa Atman.
Anyway, brahmAkAra vrutti ( brahma who is nirAkAra but vrutti what is jnAni going to get is brahma-AkAra likewise akhanda is nirAkAra but it is also explained as akhanda-AkAra vrutti, reminds me something like square circle thing 😊) Don’t we have better words to express this Samyak drushti or Atmaikatva vidyA?? Anyway vrutti happens in antaHkaraNa but what is this antaHkaraNa?? You prabhuji-s pose this question to me when I said avidyA is antaHkaraNa dOsha, now you are arguing like anything as if antaHkaraNa is a bifurcated compartment which can accommodate avidyA and vidyA whenever it is fed 😊
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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