[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Raghav Kumar Dwivedula raghavkumar00 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 07:41:59 EST 2025

Namaste ji
Hare Krishna

On Fri, 3 Jan, 2025, 5:04 pm Bhaskar YR via Advaita-l, <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> praNAms
> Hare Krishna
> Indeed. And I may add that this "attribution" of avidyA to Brahman
> obviously cannot be from the pAramArthika standpoint; so it is from the
> vyAvahArika standpoint.
> Ø     So according to you in vyavahAra the brahman itself have the avidyA
> and in paramArtha it does not….brahman has two rUpa then, one in avidyA in
> vyavahAra and another one is in paramArtha, thanks for sparing brahman from
> avidyA atleast in paramArtha 😊

Well I noticed how you conveniently avoiding answering Sri Sureshvara's
attribution. Maybe you missed that post. Or maybe you don't regarding Sri
Sureshvara as a valid pramANa unless he endorses SSSS. ,🙂

"asya brahmaNah avidyA" is a statement whose acceptance within the realm of
avidyA *does not* shatter Advaita to pieces (as colorfully expressed by

ब्रह्माविद्यावदिष्टं चेन्ननु  दोषो महानयम् ।।
निरविद्ये च, विद्याया आनर्थक्यं प्रसज्यते ।। १७५ ।।
If you hold that Brahman is avidyA-vAn, then is it not a great defect? And
if you say that Brahman is without avidyA, then there will arise the
contingency of uselessness of vidyA.

Siddhanta -
नाविद्याऽस्येत्यविद्यायामेवाऽऽसित्वा प्रकल्प्यते ।।
ब्रह्मटृष्ट्या त्वविद्येयं न कथंचन युज्यते ।। १७६ ।।
No. Because, "avidyA is of Brahman" is stated while sitting in avidyA. From
the point of view of Brahman, the avidyA itself is not possible to be
We start with the assertion Brahman is the sRShTi-kartA. Since you have
some hang-ups about the word avidyA. Use the word mAyA. The problem is the
same. If Brahman is mAyAvat, you seem to have no problem with that. But
Sureshvara did not say mAyAvat Brahma. He endorsed avidyAvat Brahma and
avidyA asya brahmaNah.

So all your questions are to be directed to vArtika. But I think followers
of SSSS reject Sri Sureshvara unless his words tally with SSSSS who alone
ostensibly interprets "Shankara bhAShya as it is". 🙂


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