[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Tue Jan 7 05:32:52 EST 2025

Hare Krishna

This is like the Upanishadic passages like Aham Brahmasmi, Tattvamasi, etc. that are Advaitic in nature for Advaitins, are dvaitic in nature for Dvaitins and VA conveying for VA's.

Ø    Quite right….by giving the undue importance to avidyA with special adjectives like it is neither sat nor asat, nor sadasat, nor different from brahman, nor abhinna, nor bhinnaabhinaa etc. etc. and also saying it has the potency to cover the brahman itself, by attributing objectivity to it,  later socalled advaitins constructed a dvaita theory within Advaita siddhAnta😊

  *   Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

  *   bhaskar

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