[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Sudhanshu Shekhar sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 05:59:35 EST 2025

Namaste Bhaskar ji.

>    1. Is antah-karaNa anAtma?
> Ø     Do I have to explain separately to you dear prabhuji the role of
> antaHkaraNa in brahma jignAsa !!??  You are the master of all granthi-s, do
> I have to separately educate that antaHkaraNa (the internal instrument) is
> the means to know / realize the Atman with the aid of shAstrOpadesha??  Do
> I have to point my finger to shAstra and bhAshyakAra-s clarification that
> masaivedamAptavyaM neha nAnAsti kiMchana, shamadamAdi saMskrutaM manaH
> Atmadarshane karaNaM, AchAryAgamasaMskrutena manasaiva…Yes, I know that I
> have BMI and it is Vishaya for me, but these karaNa-s is NOT avidyA prasUta
> like sarpa in rajju…Being a jeeva, it is Ishwara who gave me this BMI as
> per my previous karma.

I repeat the question. Is antah-karaNa anAtmA?

>    2. Is anAtmA ajnAna-prasUta?
> Ø     ajnAna being Kalpita and adhyArOpita cannot on its own gives birth
> to anAtma….anAtma as antaHkaraNa is aparAprakruti and in the realm of
> vyavahAra a very potential karaNa (instrument) to know / realize our Atma
> svarUpa…Advaita jnAnam manOvrutti mAtraM…

I repeat the question. Is anAtmA ajnAna-prasUta?

>    3. Can anAtmA be ajnAna-Ashraya?
>    - Since there is no business of jnAnAjnAna in nirvishesha brahman and
>    we have no other instrument of knowledge associated with which we can talk
>    of ourselves as ajnAni, jnAni, avidyA, vidyA, buddhi ahamkara, anAtma, Atma
>    etc.  shankara in adhyAsa bhAshya based on workaday experience explained
>    the nature of adhyAsa as atasmin tadbuddhiH, in geeta bhAshya and
>    taittireeya bhAshya explained who this is transactionally mere antaHkaraNa
>    dOsha by giving the anubhava sammata examples like cataract dOsha in eyes
>    and after surgery there is no chance of dviteeya Chandra darshana etc.  If
>    you raise any question with regard to avidyA/adhyAsa we say avidyA pertains
>    to YOU who is asking this question…brahman never asks question whether I
>    have ajnAna / avidyA, and when jeeva too realizes this brahma svarUpa he
>    too realizes that there was / is / never avidyA in HIM.  So there is no
>    room to think that Atman would have a second beside him in the shape of
>    avidyA and avidyA is brahman’s dharma and brahman is giving the shelter to
>    avidyA.
Again, I repeat the question. Can anAtmA be ajnAna-vishaya?

Let us be precise Bhaskar prabhu ji.

>    - Please apply your mind as to why bhAshyakAra said all this purely
>    based on day to day experience  without taking the recourse in fanciful
>    theories on Kalpita avidyA in vyAkhyAna-s.
We will do that. Let us first understand the ambit of AtmA and anAtmA in
the famous Atma-anAtma-viveka.

Sudhanshu Shekhar.

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