[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Mon Jan 13 06:08:30 EST 2025

But Bhaskar prabhu ji. Clearly Sureshwaracharya holds shuddha nitya AtmA as Ashraya and vishaya of avidyA. Isn't it?

Hare Krishna

If this Atma’s Ashraya and Vishaya is ‘avidyA’ how this is Shuddha??  You have to understand the context before jumping into any erroneous conclusions like this.  The Chaitanya in reference with upAdhi is called Atma, there is no business like vidyA-avidyA in Shuddha parabraman…And it is also to be noted that it is not brahman acquired avidyA and then become jeeva, avidyA cannot be acquired afresh.  It is jeeva by gaining the vidyA realizes it’s svarUpa i.e. brahman.  When it is said Atma is having the avidyA, we have to understand that jeevaatma is being talked here and jeeva as Chaitanya / knower/kshetrajna cannot have this avidyA in himself as he is seeing it as Vishaya through his antaHkaraNa hence avidyA is the dOsha of karaNa and not pertains to jnAtru.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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