[Advaita-l] Modern timelines and Shastras

Ryan Armstrong ryanarm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 06:38:01 EST 2025

Namste Kaushik ji
I am not sure if this constitutes "reconciliation" - I can offer rather
personal experience on this subject.
Having grown up in the "West" (South Africa) and not having the Vedic
tradition as guidance in childhood, I followed for a while a "Scientific"
approach to discovering Truth.
I have a degree in Mathematics and have some Physics and Chemistry at
University level.

But when (during the 90s) I became first interested and then consumed by
the Vedic tradition and specifically Vedanta, I have found science to be
more of a hindrance to discovering Truth than a help.
Science is, by its nature, never correct.
The scientific method is to postulate a theory and then experiment and
provide proof.
Scientific theory is correct only at the level of current understanding of
scientists, and when a "better" theory comes around, the original is
For example, science had it that the atom is (was) indivisible.
Then Rutherford postulated a theory and low and behold the atom was seen to
consist of protons, neutrons and electrons.
So this became the new scientific "truth".

The Vedas have no such frailty.
They have been provided by the Mercy of the Absolute and are eternal.

As to your dates of 3000 to 5000 years - I am not sure that this is the
scientific accepted norm.
The Middle Eastern Bible (Old Testament) is around 5000 years old and has
as its first Book Genesis.
So this is accepted in the Christian, Judaic and Islamic Religions as the
beginning of time.
But Scientists have shown that the Sphinx in Egypt exhibits water (rain
based) erosion, and from this have concluded that the Sphinx cannot be
younger than 11 000 years (since that was - according to science - when
there was sufficient moisture around that area to cause erosion.)

Also note that 5000 years ago is (roughly) when Kali Yuga began.

However, the point of departure (for me anyway) is that Science holds that
mankind "evolved from Apes".
I began studying the Sanskrita language in the 90s, and it is clearly the
oldest "thing" we as humans have.
There is no monument older, and no language older.
It is also my opinion, (but held with a certainty) that the language is the
closest we have to perfection.

The question then asked was - how can the oldest thing, closest to
perfection have been conceived by "was an ape yesterday but human today"
It seems incomprehensible that an "Ape" could have conceived it.
It is clear that the Language is Divine and of Divine origin.

As was stated before - I am not sure if this reconciles the ideas.
But hopefully it sets your mind at rest as to why Science should not be
relied on if Truth is what is being sought..

Kind Regards

On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 at 12:59, Kaushik Chevendra via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste,
> One genuine doubt that keeps bothering me is the timelines of shatras and
> the modern science timelines of the world. The shastras talk about various
> yugas and from starting of creation as to how mankind has been there and
> the chaturvarnas being present. However the modern day science says that
> the civilisations of man are not older than 3000-5000 years. Is there any
> way of reconciling this?
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Ryan Armstrong
+27 82 852 7787
ryanarm at gmail.com

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