[Advaita-l] Beginner in Advaita

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 05:34:01 EST 2025

On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 1:44 PM Sangeerth P via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaskaram
> I am Sangeerth. I want to know the basics in *Advaita as a purva paksha*. I
> am from the Ramanuja tradition. I request people in this thread to suggest
> to me certain resource materials either from* Youtube or Vyoma *or any
> other platform *than books* for beginners.

To know 'Advaita as a purva paksha', you would best ask this in a Ramanuja
group.  There are some groups where these aspects are discussed.  Here is a
recent video where the Sapta vidha anupapatthi-s that Ramanuja raised
against Advaita, are set aside by Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal, in Sanskrit:


The above video contains the following:

1. A brief description by Vidwan Sri K.E.Devanathan of the Saptavidha
anupapatti on the Avidya of Advaita raised by Sri Ramanuja in the

2. The 'defence' by the Advaita side by replying to each of the
anupapatti-s by MM Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal
3. A summing up of the above by noted scholar Vidwan Rajaram Shukla of
4. A short discourse on the shastra adhyayana method by the pontiff of the
Kanchi Kamakoti maTha HH Sri Vijayendra Saraswati Swaminah.

All the above are in Sanskrit medium.  There is a brief pause during item
no.2 above owing to the arrival of the Kanchi Acharya to the venue. After
the pause the talk resumes.

The entire video is a great experience in the nuances of Vedanta shastra
and nyaya.

वर्धतामभिवर्धतामेषाऽध्ययनाध्यापनपरम्परा |

> Regards
> Sangeerth P
> 8608658009
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