[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Quotes from samkshepa shaareeraka
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 09:03:56 EDT 2025
Namaste Bhaskar Ji,
Reg // You can say hundred and one things to logically prove Ishwara and
guru big zero after realization but as long as you are sincere sAdhaka
Ishwara is your karmaphala dAta, guru is our kArnuNya murthy, shAstra is
our ultimate source...just you cannot come out of this sAmpradAyik method
of learning and realization even though you might succeed in proving all
are your imagination with mere logic //,
It is illogical to claim that the issue can be proven logically simply
because the topic itself is out of bounds for logic. However I am not
arguing on that point. But surely there is no basis for claiming that SDV
must be followed by DSV to attain the Goal of Advaita Siddhanta as
advanced by Sri Bhagavatpada. Even Sri Madhusudhana Saraswati, in his text
Siddhanta Bindu, clearly states that the sAdhaka can follow SDV to reach
the Goal. I am posting this just to caution the beginners especially not
to fall a prey to such misleading declarations. No offence meant to
followers of DSV.
On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 5:23 PM 'Bhaskar YR' via advaitin <
advaitin at googlegroups.com> wrote:
> These verses are best understood in drishTi-srishTi-vAda framework. I can
> understand the difficulty to appreciate these shlOkAs if one ascribes
> reality to jIva, jagat and Ishwara.
> praNAms Sri Sudhanshu prabhuji
> Hare Krishna
> Be practical prabhuji, do you want to do sAdhana by holding the shallow
> theories like Ishwara and guru just your conditioned mind construction??
> Don’t you want to approach shrOtreeya brahmanishTa guru?? Don’t you want
> to have a sadguru who can lead you in the right path of realization??
> Don’t you want to do guru seva (tadviddhi praNipAtena, pariprashnena
> sevaya) and ask for his blessings?? Do you say to your guru : even though
> you are just a mental construction of mine, I am just imagining you as the
> person and listen to your teachings which is again I know is illusory
> etc.?? Likewise when you are doing your ishta devata archana, pooja,
> dhyAna do you carry the ideas like you are nothing after my realization,
> unfortunately I am worshipping you during my avidyA period that too binding
> myself to the SDM!!?? You can say hundred and one things to logically
> prove Ishwara and guru big zero after realization but as long as you are
> sincere sAdhaka Ishwara is your karmaphala dAta, guru is our kArnuNya
> murthy, shAstra is our ultimate source...just you cannot come out of this
> sAmpradAyik method of learning and realization even though you might
> succeed in proving all are your imagination with mere logic.
> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
> bhaskar
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