[Chaturamnaya] Enquiry and Sadhana - 5

Sankaran Kartik Jayanarayanan kartik.jayan at gmail.com
Sun May 7 14:02:24 EDT 2017

(Continued from previous post)


D: Is the source on the right side of the
middle line of the chest?

M: The Heart is defined as the place
from which the 'I' - thought arises. Heart
means the Centre (of consciousness). It
cannot be identified with any part of the
physical body.

D: What can I do to increase the receptivity
of the mind to your spiritual vibrations
while sitting in the hall, and to increase the
frequency and duration of the efforts at
enquiry in the hall, or to ease such efforts?

M: Keep the mind quiet. That is enough.
Sitting in this hall will help you. The purpose
of efforts is to get rid of all efforts.
The force will be clearly felt when the
stillness is achieved. Spiritual vibrations
exist everywhere. They will manifest when
the mind is stilled.

D: Will it be helpful if I gaze from time
to time on your eyes or face during the
effort at meditation, or should I keep the
eyes closed? If closed, should I concentrate
them on the ajna-chakra, or deep down in
the heart? When practising the enquiry at
one's own place should the eyes be closed or
fixed on some object of devotion?

M: Look at your Self or Atma rather
than anywhere else. The eyes may be kept
open or closed — it is immaterial. There is
only one I, whether you spell it 'I' or
'EYE'. There is no point in opening or
closing the eyes. Attention must be focussed
on the inner I. You are not an 'I' that can
be opened or closed. You may close or open
the eyes according to your liking or inclination.
It is immaterial, and not important.
You will cease to think of the world when
you think of the Self. If you are in a room
and close your eyes and do not look out, it
is immaterial whether you close the
windows or keep them open. The body is
the room, the eyes are the windows.
Looking at ajna-chakra etc. is not necessary
in this method. It may be helpful in
keeping the mind from going out towards
external objects. Concentrate on the Self
without which there are no chakras. They
do not exist without you. You are all of
them. All centres (chakras) are in the heart.
The Heart is not the anahata chakra. The
latter is in the spinal cord. Heart is 'I'.

(To be Continued)
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