
Ian Goddard igoddard at EROLS.COM
Wed Jul 17 00:42:01 CDT 1996

At 07:38 PM 7/16/96 -0700, Giri wrote:
 >On Tue, 16 Jul 1996, sadananda wrote:

 >> Consciousness is neither dependent nor independent of nervous system.
 >        Not according to everyone.....

IAN: We can solve this as follows:

   Show me a universe free from a nervous system. You cannot.

   Show me a nervous system free from an external universe. You cannot.

Logic therefore dictates that we cannot establish a division between
A) a nervous system and B) not-nervous system -- i.e., an external
area. Thus the two are not-two. Nervous system and not-nervous
system are necessary features of one another, such that the
external universe is a part of a nervous system, thus the
whole universe is 100% nervous system.

Law of Identity: A is A, relative to not-A. A = (A + ~A)

Law of Nonidentity: If there is 100% A, there is 0% A. A = ~A

absolute reality:

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