devotion vs. knowledge
Mon Jun 3 17:15:40 CDT 1996
On Mon, 3 Jun 1996, M & E Shearn wrote:
> namaste,
> my thoughts are that
> Jnana is of Bahkti
> Bhakti is of Jnana
> all is That
Sure. But not everyone is suited for atma vichara. Let me quote
Sri Ramana Maharshi.
"If the aspirant is not temperamentally suited to Vichara Marga (to
the introspective analytical method), he must develop bhakti
(devotion) to an ideal--may be God, Guru, humanity in general,
ethical laws, or even the idea of beauty. When one of these takes
possession of the individual, other attachments grow weaker, i.e.,
dispassion (vairagya) develops. Attachment for the ideal
simultaneously grows and finally holds the field. Thus ekagrata
(concentration) grows simultaneously and imperceptibly--with or
without visions and direct aids."
Sri Ramakrishna used to say that destroying the ego is very difficult
through vichara and hence it should be a servant to the Divine Mother
whose grace will destroy the ego. As it is often said bhakti towards God,
Guru, etc ripens into the jnana that all is Self, there is verily nothing
else. A true Bhakta is a jnani, a jnani is a bhakta.
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