
Charles A. Hillig chillig at JETLINK.NET
Wed Oct 2 19:13:38 CDT 1996

At 07:49 PM 10/2/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Sri murthy wrote that this world is big institution driven by maya
>If one is of the stature of shankaracharya, yes one can say that this world
>is mithya/illusion.     In my opinion one has to have the qualifications and

     It may not really be a matter of  "learning."    Maybe it's, actually,
a matter of  "un-learning."

     There is no quintessential difference between a  so-called "saint" and
a so-called "sinner."
The only apparent "difference" is that the saint KNOWS this, and the sinner,
seemingly, doesn't.

>I cant stand infront of the world and say (Aham Brahmasmi) until I realize
>what it means.

     There is NOTHING to "realize."  And no separate "one" really "there" to
do the "realizing."

                                        With Blessings,
                                                   Chuck Hillig

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