mind, the mischief-maker (was Re: LIFE)
Fri Oct 4 08:36:57 CDT 1996
Sri Gummaluru Murthy wrote:
> So what need to be done is to keep the mind in the same quiescent
> state as in the deep sleep state. If not, the mind creates the
> world and acts rough-shod. So how can the mind be controlled in the
> awake state ?
> I trust I have quoted the Upadesa Sahasri correctly and not out
> of context.
> I would be most grateful for any clarifications.
> Regards
> Gummuluru Murthy
Asking the mind not to have thoughts is like asking the ocean not to have waves.
Remaining in the deep sleep state, afraid of the waking mind, is remaining
as a stone - ignorant mass of tamas. Ignorance may be bliss. but not the
swarupa that I am longing for.
one way is to stand on the shore and watch the beauty of the ocean with all
its glory of the waves. Another way is to jump in and learn the art of
floating with with each passing wave and have a fun and enjoy. One can
have a surf board with him and look for big waves to come and have fun with
them. Third way is to dive deep into the mind forgetting the superficial
waves and enjoy the calm, serene substratum.
The bottom line is - the mind is an object and not the subject - it is
drusyam not druk. It is changing not the changless substratum on which it
is changing. It is finite and limited and I am aware of its limitations
hence those limitations do not belong to me.
Why should one care what the mind does-it can be as nasty as it can and pay
the price for it - Why should I waste my mind on that!
The problem is not with the mind - problem is the identification that I am
the mind. Purification of the mind is neither for my sake nor for the
mind's sake ( I am finding the limitation of the words) - it is to see the
truth as the truth - I am the subject and not a object! - who sees that
truth or who needs to see the truth - obviously the one that mistakes the
mind to be himself and worries taking the mind's worries as his worries.
Why cannot I be just be and ignore all this unwanted worries! illusions! -
experiences! - hallucinations! rather than crave for these and then again
worry that I donot have experience of my self!
Hari Om!
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