Fact - Is it an experience or theory ?

Giri gmadras at ENGR.UCDAVIS.EDU
Sat Oct 5 14:14:40 CDT 1996

>>If one is of the stature of shankaracharya, yes one can say that this world
>> is mithya/illusion.     In my opinion one has to have the qualifications
>> experience.

>  Fact is a fact is a fact whether it comes from Sri Sankaracarya or the
>  candaala of Maneesha Panchakam.

        Agreed. Fact is the Truth, right ? May a question be asked as to
whether this is said from experience or from theory ?
        In the initial stages of the forum, this was raised,
Statements like

1. Atman is same as Brahman
2. Atman is changeless

        are frequently used here. The first statement contradicts
statements and experiences of Ramanuja, Madhva etc, while the second
statement contradicts Nagarjuna etc. Does your experience tally with 1,2
and thus prove that Ramanuja, Nagarjuna etc were all mistaken or
statements 1,2 made only because Shankara (or someone else) said so ?
        Basically, do you see no duality between me, Rama, Ramana, and
you or do you just believe that there is no duality ?


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