Time Bound

Gummuluru Murthy gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Thu Jun 26 09:41:25 CDT 1997

On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Msr wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Gummuluru Murthy wrote:
> > I am of the considered view that our responsibilities as a family person
> > in no way impede our leading a life of spirituality and righteousness.
> > One can lead a life of mental renunciation right in the middle of a city
> > with all the so-called family responsibilities.
> >
> > Regards
> > Gummuluru Murthy
> namaskaaram
> What you say may be possible, but it is highly improbable. It is very
> difficult for a spiritual aspirant is beginning stages to abide in
> Self and do the duties of a householder amidst a crowded city.  Many
> great saints remark this again and again. Forget even abiding in self,
> even to do the duties of  a householder itself is extremely difficult.
> Unfortunately many of us do not even get the rigorous training in
> meditation and other related spiritual activities when we are young
> during the stage of brahmachaarya. Such a training may make it
> possible, as these things might have become a habit due to regular
> practice.  At least I can tell you from my own experience, it is very
> difficult. Forget even the family, even when I was single, the
> accumulated bad habits and perversions of mind over period of time
> when I was young through friends, movies and surroundings was tough to
> battle.
> One definitely needs solitude and isolation, to get over these
> vaasanas. In fact many saints advice brahmachaari-aspirants not mix
> to householders, not to attend crowded festivals like marriages, etc.
> Till the mind gets firmly established in self, it is risky , even
> dangerous.
> A budding plant needs lot of nurturing and protection, once it becomes
> a tree it may not be needed. When the sadhana is at the level of a
> candle flame, even a mild breeze of disturbance can blow it out. But
> once it becomes a forest fire, even a strong wind, instead of
> extinguishing it, will aid it to burn even more.  It is difficult to
> stay in a room filled charcoal dust without getting some of it on you,
> unless you are fire!
> (But I do not deny the possibility though!  Great yogis like shrii
> lahari mahasaya were established in Self, despite living as a
> householder with many other responsibilities.)
> In divine friendship,
> Ravi
> meenakshi at tamu.edu                        http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~msr

What was mentioned above by Shri Ravi has lot of merit and was beautifully

Who is ripe for abiding in the Self ? My answer to that would be: the
person who has seen all the various facets of this world: the maaya-
kalpita deshakaalakalanaavaichitryachitr^ikr^tam; a person who has
lived as a brahmachaari, as a grihastha, lived in India, lived outside
India, lived as a sannyasi in an ashrama, seen all facets of the life
and has come to recognition that there is something beyond the worldly
pleasures and miseries. Such a person is ripe for Realization. Such a
person has seen all that the world can offer and has rejected all after
personal experience. The fire which Shri Ravi alluded above will be
strong in such a person.

If a person has not experiened it, there may be a lingering doubt
somewhere, creating vasanaas. By shielding a brahmachaari-aspirant from
not mixing with householders, yes, there is an attempt to get the fire
(of seeking Self-Realization) going. But how long can such a feeble fire
be maintained ? Such shielding creates vasanaas in the
brahmachaari-aspirant which only the brahmachaari-aspirant can get over.

There are many paths to seeking to recognize what we are and attain
Brahman. Each person is assigned an individual route. However much we
discuss which route is superior, the route we follow is assigned and we
are on it; we cannot set up any deviations. What I mean by this is: we
cannot think it is we who can change the route. Even the deviation which
we may take is part of the assigned route.

Gummuluru Murthy
Yadaa sarve pramucyante kaamaa ye'sya hr^di shritaah
atha martyo'mr^to bhavatyatra brahma samashnute   Katha Upanishhad II.3.14

When all the desires that dwell in the heart fall away, then the mortal
becomes immortal, and attains Brahman even here.

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