16. ka.njalochanA

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Sun Apr 12 21:05:18 CDT 1998

16. ka.njalochanA

"ka" means water - "ja" means born. So, ka.nja means lotus or water
lily. The name means SHE has eyes like lotus petals or water lilies.
Or "ayaM pUrvamapaH sR^iShTvA tAsu vIryamapAsR^ijat
tadaNDamabhavaddhaimam. The Lord first created waters and in them left
HIS seed, resulting in the golden egg" - according to the above,
ka.nja means brahmANDa or Universe; "seyaM devataikShata - The Godess
saw HERSELF (Ch-U 6-3)" According to the above, a look or HER created
millions of brahmANDas.

AUM ka.njalochanAyai namaH

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