Temporarily signing off

Subhanu Saxena Subhanu.Saxena at INTL.PEPSI.COM
Fri Dec 18 00:01:27 CST 1998

        Harihi Om

        I am relocating with my family from Moscow to Switzerland over the
next week, and I will therefore be temporarily signing off from the list
until I am settled in our new home near Geneva.  I suspect it will take a
couple of months before I have a new email address etc.  In the meantime, I
can be reached via the following email address: psaxena at btinternet.com.

        Ravi-Can you sign me off from the list as of 23rd December. Please
email me if there is any special message I need to send to make this happen.

        Wishing all members of the list the best for the festive season and
a prosperous New Year.

        "na kadAchit jIvasya brahmaNa sampattir nAsti"
        "At no time has the Jiva ever not been one with Brahman" (Shankara



"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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