|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||
Ravi Mayavaram
Mon May 18 22:12:54 CDT 1998
taporAshir mahAtejo guNatrayavibhAgavit.h |
kalighnaH kAlakarmaj~nastamoguNanivArakaH || 10 ||
AUM taporAshaye namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who is the embodiment of penance.
AUM mahAtejAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who has great effulgence.
AUM guNatrayavibhAgavide namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who has the knowledge about the three
different guNas (sattva, rajas and tamas).
AUM kalighnAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who is the enemy (or destroyer) of the sinful
effects of the kali age.
AUM kAlakarmaj~nAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who knows the time for appropriate actions. It
can also means He knows what events will happen with the flow time.
AUM tamoguNanivArakAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who removes the tamo guNam from his devotees or
prevents them from it. tamas literally means darkness. tamo guNam
denotes ignorance. He removes ignorance from his devotees by bestowing
AtmajnAnam. There can be no darkness where there is light, His very
presence prevents the advent of ignorance.
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