Complete Works of Adi Shankara - Appendix

Dr. S.R.Marur smarur at EASI.SOFT.NET
Fri Apr 23 08:05:05 CDT 1999

In the previous post some of AchAryAl's bhAshyAs have been
missed out. They are as follows:

3.7    mAndUkya kArikA of srI gauda pAdA
3.8    shvEtAshvatara upanishad
3.9    nrisimhatapini upanishad

3.10   sanathsujAthIya
3.11   hastAmalakIyam
3.12   gayathrI
3.13   apastambIya dharma sUtra
3.14   samkya kArikA

The total number of bhAshya granthAs of AchAryal sum up to
twenty three (23), including the ten principal upanishads.


Errata :

1. "2.15   dhyAna ashtakam  [10]"

        is to be read as

    2.15   dhanyAshtakam [10].

2. The correct reference, instead of

"1. Sw. ChinmayAnandA's article on srI Shankara, Bhavan's
Journal, May, 1988/1989"


"AchAaryA shankarA's works". Bhavan's Journal, Vol. 34, No. 18,
pp. 87-95, (April 16-30, 1988).

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