[Fwd: [ambaa-l] saundaryalaharI - 9 (part 1)]
Ravi Mayavaram
msr at COMCO.COM
Wed Jul 19 12:37:02 CDT 2000
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ambaa-l] saundaryalaharI - 9 (part 1)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 13:49:10 -0230 (NDT)
From: Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA>
Reply-To: ambaa-l at egroups.com
To: shriimaataa <ambaa-l at egroups.com>
shrI lalitAyai namaH
Prostrating before shrI lalitA, and being blessed by Her
side-glances, I resume the saundaryalaharI series.
shloka - 9
mahIM mUlAdhAre kamapi maNipUre hutavahaM
sthitaM svAdhiShThAne hR^idi marutamAkAshamupari
mano'pi bhrUmadhye sakalamapi bhitvA kuLapathaM
sahasrAre padme saha rahasi patyA viharase || 9
O, jagadAmbA,
mUlAdhAre: (in) the mUlAdhAra
mahIM: pR^ithvI, the earth
maNipUre: (in) the maNipUraka cakra
kam api: the water element
sthitaM: present (in)
svAdhiShThAne: (in) the svAdhiShThAna cakra
hutavahaM: the element of fire
hR^idi: (in) the anAhata cakra residing in the heart
marutaM: the air element
upari: above that, in the vishuddha cakra
AkAshaM: the element of ether
bhrUmadhye: between the eyebrows
manaH api: the element of manas, the mind
sakalaM: (having passed through) all
kuLapatham api: also the kuLa-patha or suShumna nADi
bhitvA: piercing through
sahasrAre padme: in the thousand-petalled lotus
rahasi: in secret
patyA saha: along with (Your) husband (sadAshiva)
viharase: stroll through
O jagadAmbA, having pierced through the pR^ithvI (earth) element in
the mUlAdhAra, the jala (water) element in the maNipUra, the agni
(fire) element in the svAdhiShThAna, the vAyu (air) element in the
anAhata, the AkAsha (ether or sky) element in the vishuddha, and
the manas (the mind) in the AjnA cakra between the eyebrows, and
ascending through the suShumna, You reach the thousand-petalled
lotus, the sahasrAra and sport there with Your consort sadAshiva
in solitude.
This pivotal verse of saundaryalaharI contains in a nutshell the
sublimest truth of the vedAnta and the yoga systems and in harmonious
blending. The worship of shrIdevI is described here as kunDalinI-shakti
of the microcosm and as tripurasundari of the macrocosm. For a proper
appreciation of this, and for understanding the rest of AnanadalaharI
portion of saundaryalaharI, I present below (i) a short account of
how the ancient sages understood and described the microcosm and
the macrocosm, (ii) kunDalinI shaktI which makes the jIva function,
and (iii) the identity of the same vital force in the microcosm
and the macrocosm.
Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the rescue.
AUM shrImAtre namaH
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