Bhagavata Purana postings: How to continue?

Vaidya Sundaram Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Thu Oct 12 15:54:17 CDT 2000

Thanks for deciding to start the wonderful topic as a series again - In my
opinion, the story as a whole is important - skipping over parts will only
make it incomplete - however, as a series on this list, it is definitely
going to have to be condensed. I only request that the portions that deal
with adhyatmic topics be dealt with in greater detail than the "story"

bhava shankara desikame sharaNam

                    "Jaldhar H.
                    Vyas"                 Bhagavata Purana postings: How to continue?
                    <jaldhar at brain

                    10/12/00 12:27

I've had some requests to continue the Bhagavata series Mrs. Vidyaranya
regretfully was not able to continue. Borrowing from Sadanandas example, I
would like to ask list members for some feedback.  Should I:

start at the very beginning as she did and narrate the whole thing in


concentrate only on selected portions particularly those which deal with
adhyatmic topics and subjects the kathakars usually skip over?

I will also start the vakyavrtti series again (as soon as I remember where
I left the book :-)

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at>

bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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