New member introduction: Roger Floyd Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Thu Jul 11 22:48:52 CDT 2002

----- Forwarded by Vaidya Sundaram on 07/11/02 10:48 PM -----

Dear Vaidya Sundaram

Thank you for your email.  I am nearly 60 years of age and live in Buxton
England. My religious belief is most certainly Advaitin. I have known
Sankara's teachings for a very long while. At the age of 17 I acquired a
of Rudolph Otto's book, "Mysticism East and West" which compares the
of  Sankara with that of  the medieval Dominican monk, Meister Eckhart.
Relatively recently I learnt about the life and teachings of Sri Ramana
Maharshi. Even from an old photograph of him you know that there is an
enlightened being looking out at you!

I shall probably not be able to contribute much to discussion but I would
very much like to be on your mailing list.

With Best wishes

Roger Floyd

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