New member introduction: Stanley Millet Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Thu Oct 3 11:46:35 CDT 2002

----- Forwarded by Vaidya Sundaram on 10/03/02 11:44 AM -----

"Stanley Millet" <stanley at>

Re: Welcome and Request for more info.

Thank you for your welcome.
I am an elderly (86) man and have lived in Mexico (Cuernavaca, Mor.) for
the last 30 years.  I have been a follower of the teaching of Gurdjieff
for more than 20 years, and a practitioner of Buddhist meditation for the
past 10 years.  As to Advaita Vedanta,  I only recently came on this
teaching, felt drawn to it, and have begun reading Wei Wu Wei.  I first
sought out  Ramana Maharshi, then Sankara, on the InterNet, where I
stumbled on your List.  I feel drawn to this teaching without having any
clear idea why, and subscribed to your List with the hope of learning
something more.
I have some academic background, as well, on such Teachings and give a
course at our State University on Transformation of Counciousness and the
the Practices of the Great Traditions.
Hopefully, these breif notes will serve for your purposes.
Stanley Millet
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