
Ravi ravi at AMBAA.ORG
Fri Jan 31 15:07:06 CST 2003

I agree with shriimati Savithriji. Giving the sanskrit verse (or just the
number) will be very useful. On the other hand not giving is also fine, as
it will make one put some extra effort.

Complete text is available in Sanskrit site and there are few translations
available online, including the one cited below. Cutting and pasting should
not be difficult though.

For a good overview of the entire text, please refer to the English
translation of shrI shrI bhaarati tiirtha's commentary Author nicely
summarizes the text, giving what verses cover what. At home I use this book
along with a nice Tamil translation of aNNaa subrahmaNya aiyar of  RKM.

For all the verses below, Vaidya has summarized the commentary on the list.
Please search the archives. I have tried to identify the verses below, I
may be wrong -- your corrections are welcome.


nitya-anitya vastu viveka

>Brahman is real; the universe is unreal. A firm conviction that this is so,
>is called discrimination between the eternal and the non-eternal.

brahma satyaM jaganmithyetyevaMruupo vinish{}chayaH .
so.ayaM nityaanityavastuvivekaH samudaahR^itaH .. 20..


>Renunciation is the giving up of all the pleasures of the eyes, the ears
>the other senses, the giving up of all objects of transitory enjoyment, the
>giving up of desire for a physical body as well as for the highest kind of
>spirit body of a god.

tadvairaagyaM jihaasaa yaa darshanashravaNaadibhiH .
dehaadibrahmaparyan{}te hyanitye bhogavastuni .. 21..


>Try to detach the mind from all objective things by continually seeing
>imperfection and to direct it steadfastly towards Brahman, its goal - this
>is called tranquility.

virajya vishhayavraataaddoshhadR^ishh{}Tyaa muhurmuhuH .
svalakshye niyataavasthaa manasaH shama uchyate .. 22..


>To detach both kinds of sense organs - those of perception and those of
>action from objective things and to withdraw them to rest in their
>respective centres - this is called self-control.

vishhayebhyaH paraavartya sthaapanaM svasvagolake .
ubhayeshhaamindriyaaNaaM sa damaH parikiirtitaH . (23)


>True mental poise consists in not letting the mind react to external

baahyaanaalam{}banaM vR^ittereshhoparatiruttamaa .. 23..



>To endure all kinds of afflictions without any reaction, complaint or
>- this is called forbearance.

sahanaM sarvaduHkhaanaamapratiikaarapuurvakam.h .
chin{}taavilaaparahitaM saa titikshaa nigadyate .. 24..



>A firm conviction based upon the intellectual understanding that the
>teachings of the scriptures and of one's master are true - this is called
>the sages the faith which leads to the realization of reality.

shaastrasya guruvaak{}yasya satyabud.hdhyavadhaaraNam.h .
saa shraddhaa kathitaa sad.hbhiryayaa vastuupalabhyate .. 25..


>To concentrate the intellect always upon the pure brahman and to keep it
>fixed there always - this is called self-surrender. This does not mean
>soothing the mind like a baby with idle thoughts.

sarvadaa sthaapanaM buddheH shuddhe brahmaNi sarvadaa .
tat{}samaadhaanamityuk{}taM na tu chittasya laalanam.h .. 26..



>Longing for liberation is the will to be free from the fetters of ignorance
>- beginning with the ego-sense andso on down to the physical body itself -
>through the realization of one's true nature.

aha.nkaaraadidehaan{}taan.h bandhaanaGYaanakalpitaan.h .
svasvaruupaavabodhena mok{}tumich{}chhaa mumukshutaa .. 27..


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