[Advaita-l] Re: SSS and Madhva

Abhilash Shastry abhilash.shastry at yahoo.co.in
Sat Mar 3 06:59:14 CST 2007

Sri Annapureddy Siddhartha Reddy wrote:

> The difference between faith and non-sense is often
> blurred. For that matter, Anandagiri in his TikA on
> the
> mANDUkya kArika bhAShya of shaN^kara mentions
> that gauDapAda won the grace of shrI nArAyaNa at
> badarI. Are we supposed to view this as non-sense
> too?

Sorry to be belaboring this.

It is *Anandgiri* who is saying that gaudapada won the
*grace* of narayana. How is it comparable with the
other episode?

I have never met my param guru Sri Sacchidanandendra
Saraswati. But can I deny his grace? Now suppose I
claim that I met him in Bhopal after his death and he
told me that his disciples were teaching it wrong and
therefore he gave me the correct teaching to
propogate; is this episode comparable with getting his

There are several perfectly legitimate reasons to
start a new tradition, as buddha had. However neither
delusion nor deception is a good one.


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